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85th Annual Ice Carnival Details:

Theme: Skating Through the Decades

Date: Sat April 4th at 2:00 pm

(Tickets: 10.00 adult/5.00 per student/under 5 free)

The Woodstock Skating Club has a long-standing tradition of ending every Fall-Winter season with an Ice Show 'Carnival'. Think dance recital on ice. This annual showcase event is complete with a theme set to music; choreography and costumes, all enhanced with lighting, sets and rink side decorations. This is a fun event where our skaters have the opportunity to perform their new skills and entertain family and friends. Although we hope to see all of our skaters participate, participation is optional. There is no cost to parents for their children to participate in the carnival and costumes are provided. As parents, you may incur incidental costs such as a ticket for admission to the performance(s), optional group pictures (skaters in costumes) and an optional carnival keepsake program. All parents who are not volunteering at the performance must purchase a ticket for admission. We appreciate the time it takes for you to get them ready and get them there for the show.

REHEARSALS – Carnival practice will begin approximately the first week of March and will take place during your child’s regularly scheduled lesson time. Skaters will spend the next few weeks learning their routines and new skills for the show. Routines are designed to show case the skater’s new talents as well as provide further opportunity for development. Group lesson skaters that choose not to participate in the Carnival may follow along and enjoy continued skill development or they may be grouped separately and provided instruction by a coach or program assistants.

VOLUNTEERS – As the planning of the show progresses, we will ask you to commit to volunteering in some capacity to help us deliver a successful experience for your child. Some volunteer positions might include costume coordinators, picture day volunteers, dress rehearsal volunteers, set and arena preparations, security, 50/50 ticket sales, admission ticket sales, flower and program sales, ice captains, music players, announcers and group parents. Not to be intimidated here… these are simple tasks and we have an abundance of experienced enthusiastic members that will guide you. No PhD required! Requests for volunteers will be made via email to members as planning progresses, with online sign-up links provided.

PICTURE DAY –Picture day will be Sun March 8th. A professional photographer, Tara King will be at the arena to take group and individual (optional) pictures of all carnival participants in their costumes. These colourful photos will appear in the carnival program and be made available to parents for purchase as a keepsake. Various package and price options will be available.


PROGRAM ADS – To help offset the cost of Carnival, we sell advertising space in our program to local businesses. If you would like to support our club through the purchase of advertising space, please contact the carnival committee, at

DRESS REHEARSAL – Fri April 3rd, Dress rehearsal is run in the order of skate and will run in ‘real-time’. All participating skaters need to attend. Skaters do not have to stay until the very end. They may leave once all of the numbers they are performing in have finished their practice in the dress rehearsal. All skaters in the second half must stay till the end of dress rehearsal to practice the finale number. As far as what to expect, please see the description below of Carnival day, as the dress rehearsal is meant to emulate a real performance.

CARNIVAL DAY – WHAT TO EXPECT ,WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING - Please make sure your skater has their skates, skate guards(labelled) and helmet, if they wear one. Skate guards are very important, as the skaters must walk the concrete/metal in their skates from the seating area to the ice surface. They also need a jacket to wear over their costume so they stay warm while seated.

ARRIVAL TIMES - All skaters who perform in the first half of the show should be signed in 1 hour before Show Time as we require them to be dressed and seated before show starts. All skaters in the 2nd half please be there 15 mins prior to show time. The drop-off point for skaters will be at the bottom of the stairs on the left at the doors leading to the dressing rooms. When you arrive, you will sign your child/children in. Only parent volunteers and skaters are allowed beyond the sign-in point before the show. Once you sign your child in, you may enter the lobby and purchase a ticket to watch the show (unless you have pre-purchased your ticket), or you may leave and come back to pick up your child at the end of the show (approximately 2 hours). Group parents will supervise and assist your skaters with putting on their costumes, helmets and skates in the dressing room.

DURING THE SHOW - Your skater will be supervised by the group parent volunteer and will watch the show from a designated seating area with their group when they aren’t skating, themselves. Upon completion of their number in the show, they will return to the designated seating area with their group and remain there so they are ready as a group to participate again on ice in the finale at the end of the show. Upon completion of the show, the parent volunteer will take the children back to their dressing room. If your skater will not be performing in the second half, they will be brought to the security desk to be signed out with their group at the intermission. Please be patient, as each child must be signed out.


Please note your skater will need skate guards labelled with their name please.

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To contact Woodstock Skating Club please email We no longer have telephone contact information.