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  • Responsible for all Club operations.
  • Must be familiar with H.O.M.E Region and Skate Canada rules for conducting a proper meeting.
  • Must have and be familiar with Skate Canada Rule Book and Club Constitution
  • Be familiar with all club programs
  • Act as liaison between Club, Skate Canada and other organizations
  • Be available to be a member of, or advisor to, all Club Committees and Sub-Committee.
  • Set meeting dates, agendas and chair meetings.
  • Sign all legal documents on behalf of the Club.
  • Attend Ice Allocation meeting with the ‘Arena Chair’.
  • Recognize skaters’ accomplishments
  • Chair Hiring/Negotiating Committee and ensure that Skate Canada memberships are up-to-date and paid and that certification is current and copy on file with Club
  • Responsible for sending out Letters of Intent to coaches and to ensure written contract is in place for each coach, including all coach qualification documents







  • Substitute as Chair in absence of President
  • Assist in preparing coaches’ contracts.
  • Train for the position of President.








  • Keep accurate minutes of all Board meetings, and distribute to board in a timely fashion.
  • Issue all notices for Board, General or Annual meetings.
  • Book venue for monthly meetings.
  • Initiate and reply to correspondence.



Jenny Vereecken  







  • Responsible for ensuring accurate bookkeeping.
  • Report to Board on Monthly basis, the financial position of the Club.
  • Act as Signing authority for the Club for all legal documents and financial business.
  • Prepare budget for approval by the Board of Directors (based on prior year income & expenses).
  • Pay all expenses under advisement of the Board.
  • Prepare year-end financial statements and deliver them to the appointed Reviewer/Auditor.
  • Work with Registrar/membership Chair to accurately report membership
  • Ensure deposit and accurate recording of all deposits including registration, bond cheques, fundraising, guest fees, donations and carnival.



Meagan Liverance


Public Relations


  • Publish newsletter (approx. 4 times per year)
  • Contact media for special Club events
  • Assist with Web page if necessary
  • Prepare ads for newspaper
  • Create flyers for registration and other events







  • Develop a marketing/fundraising plan at the beginning of the year.
  • Present ideas to Board for approval.
  • Coordinate fundraising efforts.
  • File reports for fundraising projects.
  • Submit financial information to Treasurer.
  • Ensure all money raised from each activity is forwarded to Treasurer and signed-off by both Treasurer & Fundraising Chair to ensure accountability of funds.



Meagan Liverance


Ice Show Chair


  • Coordinate Ice Show with Club coach.
  • Begin working on costume ideas in September.
  • Book lighting in early fall, if necessary.
  • Book photographer and set picture date for February in consultation with coaches and board.
  • Ensure booking of ice/changes rooms for picture, rehearsal, and ice show days.
  • Communicate with parents regarding ice show details/expectations/costume sizes, etc.
  • Organize volunteers.
  • Arrange decoration of backdrop, boards and lobby for carnival day.
  • Create newsletters and information for parents
  • Help organize costume fittings and collect money.
  • Ensure all monies/receipts are delivered to the Treasurer in a timely fashion.
  • Assist coaches as necessary.





Convener / Badges Coordinator


  • Organize volunteers to convene Pre CanSkate, CanSkate and Power Skate sessions
  • Review list of duties and information with Conveners
  • Update badge and test cards
  • Ensure all supplies for the CanSkate Session are well stocked (e.g. pencils, incentive stickers, etc.)
  • Stock supply of badges
  • Coordinate with coaches for ‘special day’ events (e.g. Valentines, St. Patricks, Easter, Christmas, etc.).





Test Chair


  • Set test day dates for year in September
  • Contact judges
  • Contact coaches for skater test submission
  • Set ice schedule for tests
  • Produce test envelopes for skaters and collect fees.
  • Forward fees to Treasurer for deposit; and arrange for cheque payable to Skate Canada.
  • Forward cheque for test fees along with test summary sheets to Skate Canada: to ensure that all evaluators receive their appropriate mileage at the end of each test session.
  • Maintain current and accurate club records of all tests, both for the Club members and out-of-club members who test at the Club.
  • Assist judge on test day
  • Arrange for food and change room for judge


 Beth Lochhead











Work with the Treasurer and UPLIFTER program

  • Ensure skaters and Board members are registered with Skate Canada
  • Develop the brochure for Summer and Fall programs (with committee of the board as a whole)
  • Provide up-to-date membership lists for the Session convenors, Board and Coaches.





Andrea Carruthers








Coach Representative


  • Chosen by all club coaches to be a voting member of the Board of Directors
  • Act as liaison between Coaches and Board
  • With consultation from the Board, ensure appropriate coaching staff is under contract.
  • In the absence of the coaches rep., bring any information or concerns from coaches to the monthly meeting.
  • Ensure all coaches are registered with Skate Canada and that qualifications are up-to-date.
  • Work with President and Registration Chair regarding Season scheduling.



Beth Lochhead


Program Assistant


  • Organize PA’s to assist on Pre CanSkate, CanSkate and Power Skate sessions
  • In coordination with Coaches, organize P.A. clinic before start of regular season.
  • Co-ordinate PA’s to attend the Region training seminar
  • Provide sign-in booklet for each session and check for accuracy;
  • Assist Convenors with CanSkate set-up as required.
  • Coordinate year-end Christmas Party/social events for PA’s.



 Mark Dynna

                                                                                                                                                Rev – April 2024

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To contact Woodstock Skating Club please email We no longer have telephone contact information.