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City of Woodstock Return to Play COVID-19 Arena User Guidelines


The Province of Ontario has moved to Step 3 of their plan of reopening.  These are the Guidelines the City of Woodstock are applying in the opening of the arena facilities for operation.  This document is a set of guidelines that all users must follow to allow a safe return to play.  Cooperation from everyone will be needed to be successful in all aspects.

Ice Installation

Reeves Community Complex is open incorporating the guidelines set out by the Province, Southwestern Public Health and our Municipality.  The Civic Centre will be added if there is a demand for it & Guidelines Permit.


- Mask/Face Coverings –required at point of entry and must be worn in all public spaces. Players may remove mask while on ice/bench. All coaches/helpers must wear a mask at all times.

- Physical Distancing- maintain 2 metres (6f) in all public spaces, except on the ice surface. Public spaces include lobby, hallways, washrooms, dressing rooms, designated Skate On/Off areas and bleachers


Gathering Limits in the Facility:

- Minor Sport- 40 maximum total on ice includes skaters and coaches. The bench is considered part of the area of play for players/skaters.

- The arena staff will now observe the ice surface capacity limits rather than enforcing the 2 spectator per skater minimum.  The Green ice pad capacity is set at 90 people (participants and spectators included) while the Red ice pad capacity is set for 350 people (participants and spectators included). 



To further protect Ontarians as the province continues to confront the Delta-driven fourth wave of the COVID-19, the government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, will require people to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of their vaccination status to access certain businesses and settings starting September 22, 2021. Requiring proof of vaccination in these settings reduces risk and is an important step to encourage every last eligible Ontarian to get their shot, which is critical to protecting the province’s hospital capacity, while also supporting businesses with the tools they need to keep customers safe, stay open and minimize disruptions.

As of September 22, 2021, Ontarians will need to be fully vaccinated (two doses plus 14 days) and provide their proof of vaccination along with photo ID to access certain public settings and facilities. This approach focuses on higher-risk indoor public settings where face coverings cannot always be worn and includes:

  • Restaurants and bars (excluding outdoor patios, as well as delivery and takeout);
  • Nightclubs (including outdoor areas of the establishment);
  • Meeting and event spaces, such as banquet halls and conference/convention centres;
  • Facilities used for sports and fitness activities and personal fitness training, such as gyms, fitness and recreational facilities with the exception of youth recreational sport;
  • Sporting events;
  • Casinos, bingo halls and gaming establishments;
  • Concerts, music festivals, theatres and cinemas;
  • Strip clubs, bathhouses and sex clubs;
  • Racing venues (e.g., horse racing)




Entry to Facility:
- All participants are encouraged to arrive at the facility dressed
- 12 and under it will be mandatory to come dressed

- Entrance will be permitted 15 minutes prior to rental to begin check in at the reception area

- Participants arriving earlier must wait outside. Once check in is completed, the doors will be
locked until the next rental. There will be no re-entry if you choose to leave.

- Change rooms will have a maximum of 10 to allow physical distancing. No Showers will be
available at this time.

- Rentals will be either assigned the required number of Change Rooms or to the Designated
Skate On/Off Area.

- Each organization/permit holder/convener who is utilizing the facility must conduct passive
screening of all participants and spectators prior to being allowed entry passed the
reception area.

- Each organization must maintain a contact list (name, phone number and email) for
contact tracing purposes. The Municipality will not ask for this information unless required
by Southwestern Public Health in case of a positive test and contact tracing is required

- City staff will be present at Entrance reception to help educate patrons during check in
facility guidelines and to make sure maximum numbers are not exceeded.

- Sanitize hands upon arriving at the arena, before and after leaving the ice surface.

- Participants will be asked to follow the directional signage to the change rooms/designated
skate on/off area and ice area.

- Players are to stay in their rooms/areas until staff notify them that the ice is ready. They will then proceed onto the ice through the designated ice entry point in a physical distanced format.

- There are NO warm-ups in the facility

- Absolutely NO SPITTING anywhere in the facility

- Water bottle fill stations are available. The drinking spouts are closed. Sharing of water bottles is prohibited.

- At this time, there will be no keys provided for locking change rooms. If a group would like a
room locked, they will need to notify facility staff.

Exiting the Facility:
- Participants who just exited the ice surface have 15 minutes to change and exit the facility following the exit signage. No player is allowed to exit the change room until the other players have fully entered the ice surface.

- Participants will be asked to follow the directional signage from the change rooms/designated skate on/off area to the exit.

- When leaving the facility, sanitize your hands.


- The Red Pad washrooms will be open with occupancy limits in place to promote physical
distancing. Please follow posted signage

- Facility staff will be cleaning and sanitizing change rooms and areas after every use. Washroom cleaning and sanitization frequency will be increased. There also will be a cleaning of high frequency touchpoints several times per day.


- The Concession will remain closed for the reopening.
- Food and beverage will be NOT BE permitted in the facility. There will not be any team food
event, or fundraisers allowed at this time. 

- We will allow you to bring a beverage into the Facility. Please ensure all garbage is placed in garbage cans. When not drinking your mask must be on. (between sips)



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To contact Woodstock Skating Club please email We no longer have telephone contact information.