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COVID-19 Protocols - Frequently Asked Questions


What steps are needed before our skater gets on the ice?

  • Complete online registration and payment.
  • Completion of Skate Ontario’s COVID-19 Waiver (included in online registration)
    • All individuals participating in the club/skating school must complete the Skate Ontario Acknowledgement, Release, Indemnity and Assumption of Risk regarding COVID-19. Failure to do so means that an individual must not participate in club/skating school activities. These individuals include: skaters, coaches, staff, board members, volunteers, officials.
  • Review health and hygiene practices (resources are posted on our website for your reference)

At the Rink:

  • Health Screening of Individuals: a screening protocol will be conducted for all individuals on site on a daily basis before participation in any club/skating school activities.
  • Session Participation Sheet (attendance): the names and contact information of all skaters, coaches and volunteers must be recorded during EACH session
  • Follow facility guidelines in terms of entering/exiting the arena, traffic flow, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing
  • You will be allowed to enter the facility 30 minutes prior to your session start time. However, our volunteers will operate the Sign-In Table 20 minutes prior to the start of each session.  All skaters/spectators must leave 15 minutes after their session has ended.
  • All skaters should come fully dressed. There will be designated areas for skaters to put their skates on while maintaining social distancing. Skate bags may be brought into the arena.
  • Chairs will be set up for skaters to get their skates on/off.
    • Parent/Child Session - please use one chair per family/bubble 
  • We will ask each parent/guardian to assist their younger skaters to enter/exit the ice surface while maintaining social distancing. There will be assigned doors for entrance and exit on/off the ice surface.


Who is required to wear personal protective equipment (i.e. face masks)?

  • Individuals must follow local public health guidelines with respect to wearing face masks within facilities
  • Skaters should wear a face mask/covering when in open areas of the facility. Skaters are not required to wear a non-medical face mask while skating.
  • Coaches are recommended to wear a face mask/covering when social distancing cannot be maintained
  • Any gloves that are worn by coaches, volunteers and/or skaters should be clean (washed after each individual use)


Are spectators allowed?

  • All skating clubs must follow the facility guidelines with respect to spectators.
  • At this time, City of Woodstock Arena Facility dictates- maximum 40 participants. 
  • Spectators are permitted to be at the facility and must use the City of Woodstock's QR code to check in for contact tracing purposes.
  • Spectators must show Proof of Vaccination (ENHANCED CERTIFICATE QR CODE) and valid ID upon entry.


What modifications will be in place for the skating sessions?

  • July 2021 Phase 3 of the province of Ontario's reopening plan: when participants (skaters, coaches, on-ice volunteers) are actively engaged in sport they do not have to maintain physical distance or wear a mask.  Coaches and volunteers are permitted to physically assist skaters when needed. 
  • Mandated smaller sessions sizes
  • Skaters must follow physical distancing protocols and remain at least 2 meters apart from any other individual while waiting to enter and exit the ice
  • Non-porous teaching aids will be used by coaches and PAs minimally and sanitized after each session. 


What is the Parent & Child session?

  • Currently, Skate Ontario prohibits hands-on assistance between coaches/volunteers and skaters. Since our traditional Pre-CanSkate session often relies on physically assisting new and/or young skaters, we cannot safely run this program at this time.  Instead, we are offering Skate Ontario’s Parent & Child session.
  • The Parent & Child session is designed for skaters who require hands-on assistance getting up and maneuvering on the ice. “Parent” includes members of the skater’s household or members of their social circle. All participants on a Parent & Child session must be registered with Skate Canada (for safety, insurance and liability purposes).  In this manner, we strongly recommend that one (1) parent consistently participates with their skater at each session.  For special circumstances (such as shift work) a second parent may also participate with the skater however they also must pay the Skate Canada Membership fee. 
  • The parent must have a sufficient skating level to be able to support their skater. Parents will be responsible for assisting their skater directly on the ice. Parents must be able to effectively skate on their own and support their skater if necessary. Parents must wear a CSA approved helmet if their own skating level is below Stage 5 or equivalent.



What happens if a club member shows symptoms of COVID-19 and/or tests positive for COVID-19?

  • If an individual becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, or if someone is aware of an individual that becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, that individual must immediately stop participation in club or skating school activities. The individual should be isolated from all others in a well-ventilated area, or outside and provided with a non-medical face mask. The individual shall be sent home and instructed to follow public health guidelines regarding self-isolation and testing. The COVID-19 Oversight Group will inform the facility in order to determine if any areas need to be closed off and/or required additional cleaning/disinfecting . A member of the COVID-19 Oversight Group will contact the individual or their parent/guardian to determine if next steps are being taken regarding testing. If no test was performed or the COVID-19 test is negative, the individual may return to club/skating school activities once they no longer have any symptoms.


  • If an individual is tested for COVID-19:
  • Any individual that is part of the club that is unwell and has been tested for COVID-19 must not participate in club or skating school activities while waiting for the results of the test and as long as they are unwell with symptoms of COVID-19. 
  • Any individual that is part of the club that has been tested for COVID-19 and has no COVID-19 symptoms, no known exposure to COVID-19 and no travel history is permitted to participate in club activities while waiting for the results of the test. 


  • If an individual tests positive for COVID-19 they should inform a member of the COVID-19 Oversight Group. The COVID-19 Oversight Group will work where requested with the facility and public health officials to assist in contact tracing. The Session Participation tracking sheets may be used to assist public health officials in informing other club members who may have been in contact with the individual. Any club members who were in close contact with the individual should not participate in club/skating school activities for 14 days and should follow public health guidelines regarding self-isolation and testing. The club will also inform all of its members, the facility and Skate Ontario of the fact that there is a positive COVID-19 diagnosis within the club yet all information will be kept confidential. Following a positive COVID-19 test, an individual must follow all public health guidelines regarding return to activities.



What happens if our session gets delayed, shortened and/or cancelled due to COVID-19 related issues?

  • Please refer to our updated Refund Policy for more detailed information. Protocols are in place to consider refunds for the following COVID-related issues: a) if the facility closes, b) if public health/provincial government puts restrictions on activity, c) we the club cancels a program or session
  • Any full refunds due to COVID-19 related issues will be decided by the Board of Directors once the season is finished


 *For any additional information please consult Skate Ontario’s Return to Play webpage for helpful links/resources 

**You can also direct any questions or concerns to a WSC Board Member (COVID-19 Oversight Group) listed on the website


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To contact Woodstock Skating Club please email We no longer have telephone contact information.